Tuesday, September 30, 2008

White Sandwich Bread

I found this recipe off of the Fresh Loaf website and use it weekly! My husband is disappointed if I buy bread from the store!


2 cups all-purpose enriched unbleached flour
1 cup bread flour (or all-purpose flour, if you do not have bread flour)
1 teaspoon yeast
1 teaspoon salt
1/8 cup sugar
1 cup warm milk
2 tablespoons butter
1/4 - 1/2 cup lukewarm water

Mix the dry ingredients, then add the wet ingredients. Mix and adjust water until all ingredients are incorporated and the dough is capable of forming a ball. Pour the dough onto a flat, floured surface and knead for approximately ten minutes.
Return the dough to an oiled bowl and let rise until doubled in size, approximately 90 minutes. Shape the loaf and then let rise again until the desired size is reached, approximately another hour.*
Bake at 350 for 40 to 45 minutes, until when tapping the bottom of loaf the bread springs back and makes a hollow sound.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Roman Shades

Okay, Divas! The next project is Roman Shades. Here's some pictures of how we hope they'll turn out:

Date: Tuesday, Sept. 16th
Time: 12:00 p.m.
Place: Provo @ Gram's

The pattern has been emailed to a few Divas, if you want it, let us know and we'll get it to you.

What you'll need:

*Note: The amounts of the supplies that you need depend on the size of shade that you are making. The following worksheets will help you make all the calculations. Print both pages then grab a pencil, measuring tape, calculator, and some chocolate and have fun!
  • Designer fabric
  • Thread to match designer fabric (invisible nylon thread will work great)
  • Lining fabric (Block-Out or heavy fabric).
  • Polyester Cord
  • Plastic Rings
  • Mounting board
  • Weight Rod
  • Screw Eyes (one for each cord)

  • Sewing Machine with Zipper Foot
  • Scissors
  • Seam Ripper (hopefully you won't really need it)
  • Staple Gun
  • Fabric marking pen
  • Measuring Tape
  • Calculator

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Grandma's Breakfast Casserole Souffle

This is a crowd pleaser every time! I never make this without having to give out the recipe!

8 slices white bread, crust trimmed and cubed
2 cups cheese, diced
1 ½ lbs sausage browned

Place bread in bottom of oblong pyrex baking dish. Place cheese evenly on top. Sprinkle sausage on top of the cheese.

2 ½ cups milk
4 eggs slightly beaten
¾ tsp dry mustard

Mix and pour evenly over bread, cheese and sausage. Let stand over night in refrigerator.

1 cup cream of mushroom soup
½ cup milk

Before baking, mix soup and milk and pour over soufflé. Bake at 275 degrees for 1 ½ hour or until center is set. Serve immediately

Lisa's Carrot Cookies

These are delicious, fluffy cookies that are sweet, yummy, and have vegetables in them too!

Boil 2 cups carrots (drain water & mash)
Mix carrots with 1 ½ cup Crisco or shortening
2 cups sugar
2 eggs
2 tsp vanilla

2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
4 cups flour

8-10 minutes @ 350
(do not grease cookie sheet)

1 box powdered sugar
2 tblsp butter
Orange juice to flavor (can substitute lemon also)

Karen's Cinnamon Rolls


½ cup lukewarm water
1 pkg yeast
1 tbspn sugar

Mix and let stand in a warm place

1 beaten egg
¼ cup melted butter
2 ½ cup lukewarm water
½ cup dry nonfat milk
1 ½ tsp salt
½ cup sugar

Mix together and add yeast mixture.
Add 8 cups flour.
Knead for 10 min on floured board.
Place in a greased round bowl. Spray with oil and cover.
Let rise until double in size (2-3 hours).

Punch down and divide in half. Spray surface with cooking spray and roll out into ½ inch thick rectangle. Spread with butter. Sprinkle layer of brown sugar and shake cinnamon. Roll up from long side and pinch ends. Cut with string in 3” widths. Place in casserole dish sprayed with cooking spray. Let rise 1 hour.
Bake at 375 degrees for 17-20 min.

¾ cup butter/margarine (softened)
2-3oz. pkgs cream cheese (softened)
1 tsp vanilla
3 cups powdered sugar

Easy Wall Art

We made some fantabulous canvas wall art that goes for big bucks at Pottery Barn and Pier 1, but was pretty cheap and VERY easy to make. If you want the project to be more involved, you can really go to town with different mediums and embellishments. We'll give instructions for the easy way, then extra tips for the more extravagant route. (For ideas on the more extravagant route, check out these ladies at http://winborgdesign.blogspot.com/)

You Will Need:
  • Stretched Canvas, any size or dimension (available at craft and art stores, we got ours on sale at JoAnne's for half price)
  • Mod Podge or other craft glue. This will be used to glue and seal our project so make sure that it is a glue that dries clear.
  • Sponge brush (also available in craft stores, but also at Walmart, usually 3 for $1)
  • Scrapbook papers
  • (Optional) Cheap acrylic paints that match your papers (you can get these at walmart for about $1 a piece, and you only need a few)
  • (Optional) Paint brush (something big and chunky will do the trick)
Creating the Art:
  • Decide what you want on your canvas. Emily got her inspiration from some Pottery Barn flower art. You could do animals, geometric shapes, something related to your child's hobby, anything! We saw a very cute one on 3 canvases that was a catarpillar with 2 big green paper circles of different patterns on each canvas, and little feet painted on. Get Creative!
  • Cut out your paper in the shape/size that you want (we made a template first so as not to make mistakes on our cute paper).
  • (Optional) Use paint in matching/accenting colors to add shadow, contrast or pizazz to your shape- especially if you will be layering multiple papers.
  • Let dry
  • Use your sponge brush to cover the back of your paper image with glue, making sure the entire shape is well covered.
  • Place in desired location on canvas and carefully smooth out any bubbles or bumps.
  • Once all pieces are in place, load sponge brush heavily with glue and begin brushing over the entire canvas. Go slowly over papered areas to prevent tearing or wrinkling. It is best to work brush strokes in one direction (up and down or side to side) for a more uniform look. Brush strokes will be visible once dry, but this is part of the "look."
  • Let dry, and hang!

Tips for Extravagance:
  • Add pictures to your art the same way you add paper. Black and white are particularly eye-catching in wall art
  • Scrapbook paper can be art in itself, create a collage of coordinating papers in different shapes and sizes, glue them on, seal with glue for a finished look and hang.
  • Distress: use sandpaper to rough up the edges of papers and pictures, Ink edges with black or brown stamp pads, water down white paint and fade a picture by brushing on a light whitewash, tear papers or even pictures (gasp!) to complete that vintage look.
  • Embellish: Stamp or write letters, slogans or phrases, add brads, eyelettes, decorated tags. You can also paint or ink large chipboard letters for a more stand-out look.
  • Glue on decorative jewels after the project has been sealed to really make your project pop!

Banana Banana Banana Bread

My husband, being a lover of banana bread, sent me on a 3 years quest for the moistest banana bread recipe known to man. I found this one and fell in love! Enjoy!

Yeild: One 9x5 inch loaf
Prep Time: 15 min
Cook Time: 1 hour 5 minutes
Total Time: 1 hour 20 min
Servings: 12


· 2 cups all-purpose flour
· 1 teaspoon baking soda
· 1/4 teaspoon salt
· 1/2 cup butter
· 3/4 cup brown sugar
· 2 eggs, beaten
· 2 1/3 cups mashed overripe bananas (approx 6 large bananas)

Directions: *see extra tips below*

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Lightly grease a 9x5 inch loaf pan.
2. In a large bowl, combine flour, baking soda and salt. In a separate bowl, cream together butter and brown sugar. Stir in eggs and mashed bananas until well blended. Stir banana mixture into flour mixture; stir just to moisten. Pour batter into prepared loaf pan.
3. Bake in preheated oven for 60 to 65 minutes, until a toothpick inserted into center of the loaf comes out clean. Let bread cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack.

Extra Tips:

For my oven, I had to reduce the temperature to about 300 degrees because my loaves were burning before cooking through. You may have to do a few test loaves to find what works for your oven.